Consulting Service

For goal specific missions, whatever the duration, we have a solution. MARINEGENIC takes great pleasure in providing custom made services for our sectors of activities. From supplier / fabricators surveys to industrial expansion and/or transformation, our specialist teams are working out dedicated plans to provide you the maximum results.

Industrial Development

Having the capacity to get an external expertise and / or Proposal, related to one of your industrial bottlenecks or goal, is bringing a lot of new possibilities to your company success. Our industrial development service offer large possibilities for companies in any manufacturing sector desiring to improve or put in place systems which requires a fulltime handling. Whether for:

Production Process Eleboration

Factory Transition / Transformation

Cost Reduction

Quality System Development

Marinegenic acts as your development partner and offers you cost efficiency, goaltracking, scalability, and results.

Audit, FAT, Surveys

We know that deploying someone you trust for overseas supervisions can be a complex and costly initiative. Whether it is for an FAT, Pre-Production, Audit, or just for regular suppliers’ visits, it is unavoidable. With MARINEGENIC, you will have all the trustworthy personnel you will need, already placed in strategic locations, and ready to be deployed at a moment’s notice. Our teams are experts in the field that have been carefully selected through years of direct collaborations.

Remote Assistance

Construction sites are the last frontiers between you and your new asset. For that reason alone, your on-site supervision teams have a major role where their time on the field should be prioritized among other tasks. That is why we have developed a service to assist your teams in their daily tasks and technical inquiries, thanks to new collaborative systems and digital solutions specifically engineered for this purpose. Your teams will therefore stay on track, increase their site presence and productivity as well as delegate any tasks using our remote equipment and digital management platform.

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